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upgrade report -arghhh


I am currently avoiding writing my upgrade report. It has to be 5000 words long and in by the start of October. I don't know where to start. How is everyone else getting on with theirs?


I'm meeting my supervisor this morning to go through a draft so I can tell you how well/bad I'm getting on in a few hours!


when does yours have to be in?


Any time between June-October. I have a date of mid-end of September that I'm aiming for; was hoping to get it in sooner but fieldwork dates, analysis issues and conference preparation have all got in the way a bit.

I'm a bit worried because you have to write 5000 words did you say? I'm hitting 17000 at the moment :S

Good luck with yours.


oh my god thats a lot. I'm worried now. My supervisor just came to see me and told me i need to get it in by the end of august now because he messed up on his bit. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!


so is it just me and the coastman suffering with upgrade reports? Has everyone else done theirs?


Me too, my lit review (part of it) is alone 10,000.

I should have at least 100 pages of amazingness

Have been writing it up as I go along, so its a case of tidying up, adding bits I've missed and writing up the most recent work I have done. I want to get a draft out by the end of this month.

Do you guys have to get it bound?


I don't know noone has mentioned that


Hi all. My report has to be 30 pages long (1.5 spacing) so I guess it would work out between 12,000 and 15,000 words if I were to guess. It has to be in at end of august. I haven started yet!!! I have been gathering all relevant info etc. I have a report plan and will start writing today. So, I think that should re assure you all that you are in a better position than myself.


i feel a bit better now thank you.


i handed in mine last week, which could have been better.......ah well, life goes on. working on my next chapter. i really got bored writing the lit review all year round.
