Ok, so I should be happy, very happy, I submitted an article on Saturday, last night I get an email, its only going to the typesetters TODAY!!! Arggghhh. All brilliant, all formatted, only minor problem is that I have some graphs in there that I prepared on Word with the data table showing in the body of the graph. Take out the 2nd title, check, format data to 1 decimal place, check - RIGHT JUSTIFY figures - arggghhhh - it won't do it - i don't know how to do it. I can get the data in the accompanying excel file to right justify but it doesn't alter the figures in the word graph. I'm going nuts here, I have to get it back within the next hour or so and I can't do it - can anyone help me out with this PLEASE. I'm using Word 2007 (but its currently in the compatibility mode so more 2003 Word)
Thankyou to anyone who can save my life. Been at this til 3am - now back at it again!