I have a BSc. in the life sciences from an American university. I also have 1 publication from a research internship I did as an undergrad., and have at least 2 more publications on the way from past work.
I am concerned about the lack of response I am getting when reaching out to Australian unis, where I want to do my MPhil and eventually PhD. No one seems to provide a clear answer on if I am qualified for an MPhil (as I do not specifically have an "Honours 1" or "Honours 2i", etc, degree, whatever those mean) or directly for a PhD (apparently it is possible to go straight into a PhD from BSc..?).
If any knowledgeable Oz grads, professors, etc. can enlighten me on this, please let me know. If funding is just never available for international MPhils, I need to know ASAP. Thanks!