Hiya, does anybody use blog as their online diary? I am interested in blogging and try to start one. I only tried “Livejournal.com” and “Blog.co.uk”. I found that “Livejournal.com” had spell check functions, but “Blog.co.uk” allows us add emotional-symbols in text. I think many of you have your own blogging experiences. Could anyone give me pieces of suggestions for these different free blog tools? I want to pick an easy and more helpful one soon. Thanks a lot.
Wow - had a look at the blog and I'm really impressed! It's great to see comments from someone who is in a similar position and it seems like you have got it sorted. Like your research tips - my supervisor said the same thing about keeping a research diary although I'm not sure what to write in it! Hopefully I'll be able to come up with some ideas soon.
To Doodles,
If you like it, please tell to your friends. I hope my diary is useful for myself as well as help me gain more knowledge, not only for my research area, but also for the research life!