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Viva questions - spoof answers - if only they knew what we were really thinking!!!


Hi there,

At the moment I am preparing for my viva after having gone through a hell of a time with my phd. It is a true miracle that I am at this stage to be honest. I hope to share my experiences here at some point soon when I have had time to get over it.

I have prepared one set of answers for possible viva question for real and one spoof set to let off know the answers you really would love to give but know you can't!!!

Here are some of my spoof answers written in the sentiment of someone who has been through hell and waiting for their viva....hope this will brighten someones day.

What motivated you to carry out this research? (I have found myself asking myself that question many many times)
What were the crucial research decisions you made? (Should I stay or should I go?)
Why did you use this methodology? (Because if I didn’t my supervisors would have been even more hellish to work with.)
What would have improved your work? (By ignoring my supervisors completely. Not applying themselves to my work or knowing anything about it but throwing in occasional curveball ideas at me did nothing to help me.)
What are the main achievements of your research? (That I stuck it out without quitting. That I lived to tell the tale.)
What have you learned from the process of doing your PhD? (That I probably wouldn’t have done it if I really knew what it would have been like.)
What advice would you give to a research student entering this area? (Run for your life!)


Hi LoobieLoo,

Well, your answers certainly convince me that you've been through the process and done the PhD yourself, which is the main point of the viva. I relate to all your answers, especially questions 4 and 6!

Anyway, good luck with your viva. :)


Hi SimonG, Great to share that. Thank you for your good wishes :)

Let's not forget this little document folks!!!

A version of this was handed to me during my PhD and most of it rang true in a light hearted way as I progressed through it.

I could only wish for a square 39 back during the dark days of write-up!!!

Oh and congratulations of passing!!!

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


This is hilarious! So true. I can relate to a lot of this - the overriding sense of getting nowhere and frustration of going backwards so much! Thanks Ian - I am glad to have popped out the other end of it...phew thank God!!

Quote From LoobieLoo:
This is hilarious! So true. I can relate to a lot of this - the overriding sense of getting nowhere and frustration of going backwards so much! Thanks Ian - I am glad to have popped out the other end of it...phew thank God!!

I can vouch for number 43 as my viva was delayed a month so my own Uni. supervisor and department could host a workshop!!!

How you end up coming back to question 33 either directly or indirectly (i.e. you are offered a job) is quite clever and has been well thought through. It's in direct contrast to being awarded your PhD and ending up unemployed!!!

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Very funny - and yes, good to see that being offered a job is completely random and in no way related to completing a PhD :)