For those who have been doing theirs for a few more years than me, what exactly are the good bits to the PhD? Does the bad always outweigh the good? This morning I am feeling considerably downbeat about it and lots of posts on this forum highlight the bad side but there must be some reason we put ourselves through this even when we know the job prospects at the end of it are just as tough (for those who want to go into academia) :(
For me, it's when you think you may have stumbled across something new, and start chasing it. That's really exciting. I also like the contact with our final year project students: they drive me nuts sometimes, but other times, when you see them making discoveries of their own, it gives you a nice fuzzy glow
there are many good things about the PhD for me.
-i meet many new interesting people all the time.
-i get to spend days reading and thinking and working through problems until i am satisfied - not until whatever i've got can be sold to the client.
-i like the feeling of my topic becoming more and more MINE...
-i feel like i am going somewhere (even if i don't always know where). when working previously, i used to get bored quite soon. not in my PhD!
-in a very practical sense, i get to decide my own working hours. when i was working 8-5 before starting the PhD i had serious sleeping problems. when you can't sleep and then still have to get up to go to work, the day is sooo wasted. now, except when i teach, i know when i go to bed that if worst comes to worst and i can't sleep, i CAN sleep late to catch up and the day won't be wasted. thanks to knowing this i usually have no problems falling asleep as the anxiety of "having to go to sleep NOW" is not there (except when i teach...) so for me, this seriously adds to my quality of life!
I was told by a professor early on in my career that scientific research is 99% monotany with 1% good times - but when it goes right its usually about the best feeling ever (probably because you've worked so hard for it)- milk those times for every last enjoyable moment
As for the good bits:
- You are more or less your own boss
- you make your own hours
- you don't have to beg for time off to go to the dentist and make up hours later
- Take as many breaks as you like
- Take holidays when you like
- You can come in late when hungover, and everyone understands
- talking is part of the job
- you get to do what you want - people will praise your inventiveness
- You make up whatever you want about your job and people still wouldn't be any the wiser
Its a good life, but PhDs are hard and you'll be fraught with feelings of inadequacy and be overwhelmed constantly.
But! its worth it
I was reading what sjo4 said was the good bits and i just had to laugh because almost none of them applies ion my case.
-I am not my own boss (my industrial supervisor is on my neck every two minutes demanding results)
-I do not make my own hours (working according to company time + my own extra work time)
-I have to ask for time off to go to the dentist
-I can take breaks but not as i like lest i feel the whip of my supervisor
-I definately cannot take as much holidays as i like
-I can't come in hungover (because i don't drink) except from excess work!
-I can't do what i want but must do whatever the company says (mostly anyway.
-I can try to make up stuff about my work but won't get away with it for long because my supervisor knows too well the application of my current project.
Wow, i feel depressed now. What ARE my good bits exactly?....
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