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What do you do when you experience writer's block?


I browse the electronic journals, the bbc news website,the postgrad forum and gumtree website.


i research on the internet about articles about writer's block and how to overcome it. lol


I don't know I have it until it is gone. I just sit feeling useless and guilty. roaming websites... Oh! Like this week perchance?!!


I visit this forum, read Lara's many threads on the topic, then I tell myself 'just write'.

I also play this YouTube lego movie which makes me laugh.

Other tips I've had - take a break.

- go for a walk or a bike ride
- phone a friend
- watch a movie
- tidy up
- look at photos

That way, you'll stop thinking about not thinking and come back to things fresh.


thinking about not thinking - I like that! Such a pointless drain of energy...



I also surf the net (visit a site called Miniclip..don't go there!), and do housework.


So much on the housework! So far this week I've cleaned my oven, washed my kitchen floor, hoovered multiple rooms of the house, cleaned the toilet etc etc. The best thing for me is to go to the gym and get on the treadmill or go for a swim. Or have a shower. Anything where my body is busy but my mind isn't means I come back with a better attitude.


Write anything
short idaes
random thoughts
like these

then you'll be able to link them together and build sentences, parragraphs, sections, chapters and a thesis. Dont stop writing!


Self-denial works for me...


procrastinate profusely.