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When can I apply for Post-docs / Research groups?


Tomorrow I am meeting with some of the leading researchers in my small field for lunch. Thus far I have just been in email contact with them so this is the first face-to-face. I have reviewed the latest publication of one of these people for a prestigious journal and so we're all on good terms.

The thing is I'm not sure how to approach the lunch. I am in my final year and due to submit my thesis in Dec 2012, 2 months before my 3 year deadline. I have published an adapted version of the 1st chapter of my thesis, and was invited to submit a version of the 2nd chapter after meeting an editor at a conference. I am pretty desperate to get involved with these people. They run their own research groups in my specialist area and I'm not exactly sure how I should propose myself as a possible asset.

My main questions for you more experienced guys are:

1. Do you have to have submitted and passed your VIVA before applying / starting a post-doc?
2. Just how do you get involved in research groups? These groups would be based in Europe, not the UK, so I don't know if that may be different?
3. An idea I have is to ask one of these people (when the time comes next year) to be an examiner for my VIVA. If I was to publish in a collection of essays that one of these guys edited - can they still be my examiner?
4. Could a head of department or professor emerita recommend you for some part-time teaching if you are not previously affiliated with that university?

I hope I don't sound like I'm getting ahead of myself but I just want to get a last minute idea about how I should present myself. I don't want to appear too passive but at the same time I don't want to appear desperate.

Love you guys!


This is my understanding to answer some of your questions

1. No, you can start applying before submitting.
2. Not sure, but approaching the research group lead and
expressing your interest could be a starting point. Keep an eye on relevant websites to see what appeals to you and take it from there.
3. Not sure but I think supervisors decide on the examiners and approach them. Mine picked the examiners but consulted me.
4. I don't see why not if it's in their interest or they know you.


Thanks for the reply Delts.

I had the lunch meeting today and it all went very well. They offered me a chapter in a book they're putting together and, as representatives for a respected publishing house, want to publish my thesis next year. All very positive.

In terms of jobs its a different story and they were realistic about the lack thereof!

I have seen an advertisement for a job but of course I won't finish til this time next year but I think I will apply anyway - just to get my name out there and maybe keep myself in these people's thoughts. You never know.


That is good, I hope it all continues to go well. I would also respect them for their honesty as regards jobs because they're not setting you for disappointment but obviously it would be great if you got a job. Just my opinion, but it's better to try and get yourself out there sooner rather than later but remain disciplined as regards your PhD workload.

I hope it all works out.(up)