Could anyone suggest me where is a good place to do PhD in Mobile comm area. I am giving you my choices. Could you rank them for me.
I am quite hesitant. Cannot decide where to do my PhD. Or give me some useful details on the University you know. Thank you.
The area i will do can be "wireless communication" as well. (not only mobile....can be internet, mobile phones and others). Please give me some advices
my choices are:
Imperial college
Uni of Southamton
Uni of Edinburgh
Uni of York
Uni of Surrey
Uni of Bristol
Uni of Liverpool
Uni of Leeds
Uni of Strathclyde,glasgow
Uni of Cardiff
above should be a lot already.
Suggest for good uni for research in Mobile comm for me.
Considering the city, uni facilities, people, helpful supervisor as well please. oh..cost of living too.
Thanks guys, please advice me. I really need help.
ps: I have posted this topic in PhD prospective but I realise that current PhD student should know better. :)