Sheena, my two supervisors were not very nice with me initially. One really shouted at me when he was reviewing my work and the other one sayed he'd rather not discuss my work at times. So, the first one, i ask to calm down. I also pointed out that it is quite discouraging when i do the required work and then i spend an hour getting shouted at about small mistake, e.g. a missing footnote!! Anyway, the supervisor doesn't shout at me since. We have a descent discussion these days. He said that he thought that was what usually worked for students - shout at them, then they do the work. The other one, i told him that what he does is quite discouraging and he since takes an interest in my work. So, maybe you shouldn't quit. Just ask them to ease up on you. The pressure for me initially was working within their deadlines, so we decided I would hand in work as and when I had it ready and i find that has really motivated me to be more passionate about my PhD, coz i feel that am doing it for me & not for my supervisor.