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Wondering what kind of facilities everyone has at their departments?


Hello everyone!

I'm just curious what kind of facilities your depts provide for you all?
Does the dept provide business cards, photocopying, printing, anything like that?

At my dept were having some troubles. They gave us 2 weeks notice to vacate our current office and move us to a basement office with no toilet facilities...anyways its become quite an interesting debacle.



He he- just to make you envious: We're in a new purpose built building that is now 5 years old. We have loos, we get free nail polish, free copying, free printing, and had free beer and cocktails at last Friday's beer houre.
He he .....


We have toilets, windows and lifts with personality! We moved to a new purpose-built building a year ago but almost everything in the building has a mind of it's own!!! But I am attached to a really good project as a research fellow and a part-time PhD student so I get really good funding, flexible timing, great supervisors, good admin staff, travel money, good photocopying/library/printing facilites, a good laptop and desktop!!! And we are in London so can't complain about the social life either. However I have heard of nightmare stories elsewhere so I think I just hit the jackpot for my PhD :)


free nail polish???? what sort of strange uni are you at??


A girls got to take care of herself- and seal her cover slips with MissSporty QuickDry nail polish ... no glitter, please- that just looks bright under the microscope.

Now we are devising a devious explanation why we require lip stick (to grease the centrifuge ??) and perfume (to desinfect ??) ...


AnonGerman, I have resorted to plain lip balm for lubricating a seized part in an autosampler (worked a treat) and find a compact mirror very useful for leaning over the back of instruments to check the wiring. All good scientists should keep their make-up bag handy!


What colour nailpolish?


Well here we have no heat, they're moving us to a place with no toilets, we have to pay for printing, photocopying, the works. The department's mostly made up of international students, like myself, who are self-funded so its interesting to hear what other people have to say. I think that if we had free nail polish and alcohol, we'd all probably have heart attacks!

Thanks for your replies! :)


Hmm, MissSporty is at the bottom price range so they don't have fancy names, just numbers. At the moment we've got pink and violett and an undefinable mix of severall colours thinned with Aceton.

Our French postdoc uses up last sesons colours- she's using black & yellow now, for a Kill Bill look.


aircon :D


How can they not give you toilets?!?!?!?! Sounds against the law to me.

We have: toilets?!?! free photocopying, free printing, AC and a lift.

No nail polish though :(


Well, there are toilets but we need to exit outside the building and walk to another building which will be a construction site soon. There are also issues with personal safety, ie the area is near a car park and the lighting is not good.


we have photocopying, printing, uni issued laptops, aircon, toilets, kitchen and some girl known as 'the slave' for bringing us stuff

and our own chaffeur named les

we also have a free bar, topless barmaids and sky tv.

actually no we don't i started dreaming, we have the first things i said (no chaffeur, bar, topless birds or sky)


I really want those things now.

I've never thought of it before, now i'm upset we don't have them. Damn you whoever started this discussion