I am now confused with the word count !! The PhD Programme Handbook in my University states: "These world lengths do not include appendices containing table, statistical material or other document". Does this mean the word count can include everything from Cover Page to the References including Footnotes but Except Appendices? OR, does that mean I exclude References & Appendices? I believe the word count includes Footnotes as well. How do you count the word?? Until last week I was counting the words from First word of Introduction to Last word of conclusion - I did not include Footnotes & word count in the tables within the chapters. The draft was more than 90,000 and never bothered. Now after doing corrections in my draft it comes 89, 300 and it started worrying me. If I count footnotes, abstract, acknowledgement and words in tables it comes to 93,343. The maximum is 100,000. Please do share how you count the words in your thesis. Swetch