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Work load for part time PhD



I'm in the first year of doing a part-time PhD. I work three days a week and like to have a weekend so I currently devote two days (about 8-10 hours a week?) to my research- does this sound about right? I'm worried I haven't got very much done yet!


I work on a different pattern, working in a school I tend to do research work involving writing during the school holidays, and at weekends when I can have longer stints, and maybe do some reading during the week,depending upon other things I have to do and the workload at school. For the last month I guess the school has taken over as I've been involved in loads of A level science practical exam work, but I have still had 'thinking time' which I regard as a very important part of research, only a week and a bit to go to the holidays when I can get the stuff in my head down on paper - or compter screen. :-)