======= Date Modified 28 17 2010 17:17:42 =======
Hey guys! Just a celebratory post because as you know I have been having a few issues with the amount of testing (and other work!) my supervisor is expecting me to do. We had supervision this afternoon and finally I have managed to convince her that the follow-up study she is expecting me to do is not realistic within the time frame of my PhD, and she was only very slightly grumpy about it! We have agreed that we might try to apply for funding to do the follow-up at a later date, maybe as a post-doc, or as part of a post-doc project anyway, and I have agreed to aim for high numbers of participants in my two participant groups and do an extra small qualitative study in the second group so that it matches the first group. Am so relieved, I have been worrying about it for ages! I guess perseverance does pay off....thanks to everyone who has been offering me advice on how to deal with this! Best, KB