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Is SMC University A Genuinely Accredited Institute?



Does anyone know whether the Swiss SMC University is a genuinely accredited online university?


I've never heard of it.


Swiss Management University (SMCU) has private University status in Switzerland. Since it is a private institution of higher education, it is authorized to confer university degrees. SMCU University is accredited by the European Council for Business Education (CHEA) and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Equal to the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACB), the ACBSP is a national accreditation body in the United States and recognized through the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Degrees obtained from online institutions, which hold a CHEA recognized accreditation, are recognized internationally. Furthermore, Swiss Management University is a member of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems and Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB). Swiss Management Center. SMC ranks amongst the leading institutions in its field. As an example, The Doctorate of Management (DOM) and Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) is ideal for those who wish to acquire an extensive academic and industry related exposure. The online PhD and Doctorate programs are accredited by the ACBSP (CHEA recognized), and by the European Council of Business Education, an ENQA affiliate.