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For Those With Asperger's


Hello everyone,

   My name is Thomas and I hope to do a PhD. in Exeter about Mongolian Religious Politics. I have Asperger's Syndrome (a mild form of Autism), as well as dyslexia and dyspraxia. I was curious if any one out there knew of PhD. funding for any of us with these conditions.

Thank you greatly.


You should be eligible for any standard funding available, for example from research councils. It's also possible you might qualify for charitable funding due to your medical condition. See for charities that fund according to specific criteria.

As a disabled student you will also be eligible to apply for Disabled Student's Allowance. This is an additional allowance to pay for extra costs due to disability, and to buy any gadgets that will help. For example if you might need a scribe or additional help from someone else this would be paid for. If a gadget or software might make things easier for you this would be covered too.

Contact Exeter university for advice. They should be able to advise you on funding opportunities in general, and how you would apply for the Disabled Student's Allowance as well.

Good luck!