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"How do you intend to fund your study?"


(apologies in advance for asking another funding question. loads of them onn this forum...)

Quick question.
Am applying to do a PhD at various institutions Application process is going quite well and have got good feedback so far.
On the majority of the forms there is a question "How do you intend to fund your study?".
The honest answer is through a studentship or through the ESRC.
Is it wise to put that??

Only the LSE insist that you be completely able to fund yourself so I will have to tell them a white lie. Good news there is that as soon as you apply you automatically are applying for funding too.

Should I tell white lies to the other ones too?
Any ideas??


I have not been funded so have little experience with gaining funds (I am self-funding), however, I would always be honest in an application as if there are subsequent issues in this area the Uni would have the right to withdraw support. There will be lots of student applications also requiring studentship funding or external funds so this will not be unusual to them. How best to convey this I think is what you are better to ask! Good luck with the aaplications (up)


I don't see why you can't put "Funding from studentship or research council (ESRC)". To put something else, especially if untrue, would be a bit strange. If you intend to fund yourself, fine, but I can't see how else you could state this - "By printing money in my bedroom" would be on alternative, although they certainly wouldn't like that...


I don't think you can put funding from studentship or research council if you have not been granted one. "Applying for funding from..." woudl be more honest. Most universities understand that accepting a place may be conditional on you receiving funding. Have you spoken to the prospective supervisors?