I'm a New Zealander currently applying for a PhD in Genetics at Cambridge. I chose to wait until I had found a supervisor's support before I applied to the BGS, and in January I had an interview with a potential supervisor, who agreed to take me on. Only then did I apply to the BGS.
Therefore I missed the funding deadline for funding from the Cambridge trusts (15 Dec 08). However, when I was filling out my application, I wasn't sure if I should still do the 'funding' part of the application since I had missed the deadline. So I phoned the BGS and they told me that I should still complete that part of the application as the funding deadline is 'flexible'. I submitted my online application in February, and my supplementary material was processed about a week ago (according to CamSIS).
So my question is: Does anyone know how likely I am to be considered for funding from the Cambridge Trusts? I have missed the deadline by quite a long time, but I was told by the BGS that the deadline is not absolute. Does anyone have any experience with this?