Hi, so I have recently been offered an MRC studentship to do a PhD at glasgow university (in neuroscience). I was just wondering if anyone has some experience of studying/living in glasgow. More generally does anyone have experience of living on an MRC studentship and if so do you find that it is enough to cover your living expenses?
Hi Mikew - I can offer some advice. I was a PhD student in Glasgow (University of Strathclyde) between 2009 - 2012 (currently awaiting my viva date) funded by an EPSRC studentship (~£12940 - £13590 p.a.). In my first year, I relied solely on my studentship, which was tough, but doable with careful management. In my other years, I took on part time work through the university which brought in a further £2000 - £2500 p.a. for roughly 6 - 8 hours work per week (excellent rate of pay) during term time. I also applied to the university hardship fund twice and was awarded a total of ~£1350, which was a great help. Overall, whilst I had to be careful with my spending, this was sufficient to survive as a PhD student in a city like Glasgow. In terms of accommodation/utilities, I lived in a three bedroomed private flatshare for the duration which cost me £300 per month rent, plus I put aside £40 - £50 a month for bills (electricity/gas/broadband/TV licence). It was located in between the City Centre and the WestEnd (Woodlands Road area) and was within walking distance of my uni (~30 minutes), glasgow uni (~20 mins) and all that I needed in terms of shops and entertainment. If I did use transportation, I relied on the subway or the occasional taxi (~£3 - £5 for anywhere within a few miles radius of my home - private hire a few quid cheaper than black cab). I can thoroughly recommend Glasgow as a place to live and to be a student, although be aware that the workload of the PhD means regular partying will be unlikely. That said, it is important to maintain some form of social life for you're own sanity. Hope this helps - if you want to know more, just ask. Good Luck!!!
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