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PHD in Public Health


Greetings, I come from a developing country and I have applied to study an online PHD in Public health and my reserach topic is on maternal health of adolescent girls among the urban poor.The annual fees is abot 5000 pounds whic I cannot afford at all.Are there health organisations or any other institute that can provide funds for my studies?


Quote From roseline:

Greetings, I come from a developing country and I have applied to study an online PHD in Public health and my reserach topic is on maternal health of adolescent girls among the urban poor.The annual fees is abot 5000 pounds whic I cannot afford at all.Are there health organisations or any other institute that can provide funds for my studies?

Where is the university based? Have you tried organisations within your own country that could fund you? Maybe the ministry of development?


Thanks.The university is based in the UK.


Quote From roseline:

Thanks.The university is based in the UK.