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Phd offered but no funding attached


Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone has been if this situation. I've been offered to do a PHD in biomedical engineering however the project doesnt have funding attached. I applied for an engineering award the uni had avaliable but didn't get it due to it being very competitive. Does anyone have any advice on where to apply for funding or how to go about this whole situation or whether to just look at other PHDs? Any advice would be great :]


I was in this situation and decided to reject the offer. It would have been my ideal PhD as I loved the topic but knew I wasn't prepared to self-fund as it would have just been too stressful constantly worrying about time and money. The PhD I'm doing leaves me cold but it provides an income and, for me, that's a great relief. I suppose it depends on just how much you love the topic, if you can afford to self fund or can find a way to self fund and what your end goals are and how helpful this particular PhD would be for you. Completely your decision but I'd be inclined to look at other PhD's with funding.