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UK Chances of getting a scholarship


======= Date Modified 07 Oct 2012 15:34:33 =======
Hie, I am looking for a Direct PhD or Masters in Physics. I have completed my B.Tech from India and have CGPA 7.6/10, With about 5 months research experience and 2 papers communicated to International peer reviewed Journals and a Indian Patent in preparation. I also have a International conference poster and 2 department symposium poster and 1 oral presentation. I am not sure whether this research experience and outcomes will help me get a scholarships in UK for my Masters or PhD, It would be great if I can have some comments on my chances ??? Thank you !! :) :) :)



I'm afraid I can't comment on your chances, but I can direct you towards our sites to search for Masters courses and PhDs in the area of physics:

Have a look, see what the entry requirements are, and send some enquiries.

Good luck!


======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2012 18:30:40 =======
Heyy reenie, thnx for the links you provided. Do you think, I will have less chances to get through??

Quote From reenie:


I'm afraid I can't comment on your chances, but I can direct you towards our sites to search for Masters courses and PhDs in the area of physics:

Have a look, see what the entry requirements are, and send some enquiries.

Good luck!


I couldn't say, but if you don't try, you'll never know!

Good luck.