If it is specific grants or departmental funding that your supervisor has applied for, they will know the decision dates (give or take a few days)- so best to just ask them when you should expect to know, no point in being bashful
If its departmental (UK), what ususally happens is that 6 people get offered PhDs but there is only funding for 4 (as an example) then the best 4 are chosen, and the others don't get the posts.
If they haven't even applied for funding then i suppose it depends on the timescale of those grants.
To be honest, without the funding the offer is a bit pointless (not so if you get the funding tho), so it probably wouldn't harm you to apply for some more posts - just in case?
Hope this helps, I think the best policy would be to ask for more info from your sup re. when you should hear and how what type of funding etc
Good Luck