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Should i start PhD again?

Hello... I have also been suffering from a dilemma for the last one month. After clearing first Semester course work of my phd, i was offered a job with good salary and i decided to start the job. I took leave from my supervisor and school for one semester and started the job, I have yet not informed my supervisor and my school about the job, but now i am confused whether starting the job was the right step or not. My supervisor is very kind and helpful. He has supported me throughout the semester and once told me he would make sure i finish my phd in four years. I can still quit my job and join the school, but i am getting mixed advice rom different people. Some are saying it is hard to find a kind supervisor and a good research team, i should finish this phd and then find the job, while some are encouraging me to stay in job ,as phd is a long and hard journey. I think it is sometimes very difficult to choose between two options, as the results come with time.

To PhD or not to PhD

I have also been suffering from the same dilemma for the last one month. After clearing first Semester course work of my phd, i was offered a job with good salary and i decided to start the job. I have yet not informed my supervisor and my school about the decision, but now i am again ,not sure, whether starting the job was the right step or not. My supervisor is very kind and helpful. He has supported me throughout the semester and once told me he would make sure i finish my phd in four years. I can still quit my job and join the school, but i am getting mixed advice rom different people. Some are saying it is hard to find a kind supervisor and a good research team, i should finish this phd and then find the job, while some are encouraging me to stay in job ,as phd is a long and hard journey. I think it is sometimes very difficult to choose between two options, as the results come with time