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conference attendance a requirement???

Hi,does anyone know if you have to attend a conference as part of your PhD training? I can only find info n NERC's site that they encourage it but it is not a requirement. It has come about from a timing perspective as I have a postdoc starting in two months and will be abroad for it.


Supervisor hall of fame - what's the worst thing yours has done/said?

well, firstly my main super suggests I a different thing for my Phd after discussions at our first meeting only to find out later that she had submitted my phd idea as a proposal herself! - which was rejected!!haha. Then recently I came up with a postdoc proposal with some other folk at our institute then she was asked to come in on it as well (why only god knows as she knows next to nothing about the work) and last week I find that I am now off that postdoc proposal as she wants to do the work herself!!
As for returnign work i have asked her to loook at...all I get is I am prioritising......3 months later (after asking or it every week) still the same answer!! glad to see I am not the only one out here strugglign with their super! although that doesn't help the situation.....

supervisor - what super?

I am having some major trouble with my primary super, who turns up late or more often never and has basically no time to hear any plans or progress. The only response i get from her is "don't talk to me - too busy" and I have been waiting two months for an answer on whether I can use part of the labs equipt, despite me asking nearly every time I see her. My 2n'd super is in a different uni and has no say in the process here. She is also having problems at home, and I think that things there have taken over, despite her saying otherwise. Anyone else having probs... should i change super's?