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Changing life from professional to PhD student (Software Engineering, Computer Science)

Thanks Itsmardan,

indeed, preparing a Research proposal before to contact anyone is important...I see.

I'm thinking to have a look at OpenUniversity...It could be a good option.
However, I didn't know that for a PhD you have to pay lots of money (more than 3000 pounds/year). It seems there's no chance for me to find a funding for that (and for living cost).

Changing life from professional to PhD student (Software Engineering, Computer Science)

Hi there,
I am Software Engineer (5 years of experience) with a Masters Degree in Computer Science Engineering. When I got my degree (5 years ago) I decided to follow the professional path, even because I was a bit disappointed by the Academical environment in Italy...

Now I'm working in a big R&D institution as IT consultant and my interest in getting a PhD has grown up and now I'm really interested in develop and contribute in the research field.

My problem is that I don't have any link with the Academic world anymore. I've tried to send some emails to groups doing Software Engineering research and offer PhD positions around the world (I'm interested in Europe and also Canada) but I didn't receive any answer.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!