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How to articulate the reasons to do a PhD

Thanks for the reply. I´ll check the book and start writing the reasons.

How to articulate the reasons to do a PhD

======= Date Modified 17 Nov 2010 20:52:37 =======
Hello all:

I'm planning to apply for a PhD, the first thing I have to do is write an email to the tutor in the area I have chosen. In this email I will introduce myself and give a review of my work and academic experience. But I'm stuck in articulating properly the reasons i want to do a PhD.

The reasons why I want to do a PhD are different, I will give a brief description of them:
-I want to do a PhD because i believe I will meet people that share the same passion for the details and understand in a better way how things work.
-Also because in the knowledge area I've chosen exits a lots of myths that I believe are only myths.
-Because the PhD will be a long term investment in myself and is something no one can take from me.
-It will give me access to people that understand things better than me and i can learn a lot from them
-Also because it will raise my status.
-It will give me access to more opportunities professionally.
- I wanted to do a PhD since I was doing my undergrad degree

Please help me to articulate this properly so it sounds adequately to put in presentation email.

Thank for your help

John F.