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Career in science and motherhood

That's kind of why I'm asking this here. It would be a shame to give up on a career in science when it could work quite well. I just don't know who to ask. If I went to my supervisor and asked him whether women in science can have children/career break he would think I was nuts/assume I was about to drop a kid there and then.

I guess the other problem is I don't know who'll be employing me it's the right time. Maybe all universities/funding bodies are the same, I suspect not.

I see that the wellcome trust has 'returning to science' funding available, does anyone have experience of such schemes?

The other reason I may want a career break is that my husband, could get a position anywhere in the world for a few years. I just wish I had the flexibility, to say, for a few years, whilst we had young kids move to dubai (or wherever) do the whole mum/wife thing then still come back to my genetics career. I think this is too optimistic.

.........why can't we have everything?

Career in science and motherhood

Just to clarify, I don't actually do 'lab' based research. I am at the computer analysis/statistics end of the spectrum, so am not so constrained by being in a lab at a certain time to get data.

Career in science and motherhood

Thanks for all the advice. I guess I always thought I would want to be an hands-on mum and be around as much as possible for my kids, especially in their early lives. So I would really need to be in a job that allowed a short break, plus coming back part time/working from home perhaps. Is this AT ALL possible? Or am I kidding myself, and should I get myself down to the careers centre to find a new career?

Career in science and motherhood

I am coming to the end of my phd and making the decision about whether to stay in science (medical genetics). I love what I do but worry about how it is going to fit into my life. I will be 26/27 when I finish my PhD and by 30 want to start having children. If I get a postdoc position how can I fit in having children? Can you take maternity leave/further time off during a postdoc or after? If I put my career on hold, can I ever go back? What are the chances of me having a permanent position within 3years of finishing my PhD, hence being in a good position to take time off?

I am worried that I will put in lots of effort over the next few years in a post-doc position, only to find when I have children, I leave science and can't get back to it. If that is the case, I think I should be finding an alternative career now.

I have tried to find information on how women manage a family and an academic science career and can't find anything. If anyone knows of such resources I would be grateful.