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visiting phd student from italy

Thanks a lot
I'm looking for an opportunity known as Joint Doctoral Degree (in french, Cotutelle).
I just want to know if there is this opportunity among UK and Italy.
I attend at the first year of Phd in "Economy and market rights": so I'm looking for Law Department.

phd partnership among italian and british universities, joint doctoral degree

i'm a new phd italian student.
i post here for a question: do you know any london university who can offer to me a chance as visiting phd student? I'm attending at first year phd in economy and market rights at Università del Salento (Italy). Interest field: corporate governance & securities markets regulation.
does somebody know the possibility of an agreement (partnership) among UK university and Italy university?
Thanks so much for helping me

a PhD programme on architectural conservation of historical monuments in Germany or Italy

for italy, look at this page

visiting phd student from italy

I'm a new phd italian student.
I post here for a question: do you know any london university who can offer to me a chance as visiting phd student? I'm attending at first year phd in economy and market rights at Università del Salento (Italy). Interest field: corporate governance & securities markets regulation.
does somebody know the possibility of an agreement (convention) between UK and Italy? I know that there is this possibility for many europe's universities.
Thank you so much for helping me!