Overview of c0259621

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Postgrad Project help

yes , but i need a problem to solve or reserch , i would like to go to the Database Admin side

Postgrad Project help

Hi , i am studying MSC Databases , i am thinking of a good project to do as part of MSc,

can any one help me a give me any good idea?

SAP: Qalifications and demand in this area

What is the demand in the SAP industry? is there a good chance of getting a job in this area? what is the best qualfication to do in this area?

HELP - Databases

Now i am in two minds, I was thinking of doing the MSc Data Prof in sheffield, seen as networing has a bigger demand , it would be a better options, or should i do the MSc and do networking qualifaction such the once you mensioned on the side

HELP - Databases

does networking have a bigger demand then databases e.g. oracle?

HELP - Databases

i want to have a good chance of getting a job in the database area that why I want to do it just on database.

The sheffield hallam one sounds ok,

what advice would you give me on this? should i not do it based on databases ? is this on a decline? what is on a rise in the IT industry?

HELP - Databases

Hi, I want to do a masters course in datbases including oracle, can and one advice me on the best course going at the moment?