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Advice Needed: Upset supervisor and submission of journal articles

Long time lurker, first time poster.

As a preface, I am doing a manuscript based Ph.D, not a thesis.

Thus far, my Ph.D experience has been a pleasant one. While there has been a significant issue with regards to a lack of communication between my supervisor and I (it takes him weeks to respond to my emails), thus far, it has not impeded my progress - I made it through comps unscathed and am in the last leg of finalizing my dissertation.

I gave my supervisor three of my papers that I was planning to submit to journals in my field, but did not receive any feedback from him for a couple of months. I decided to go ahead and submit them, as I know the review process takes a long time and I wanted feedback from experts in my field (oddly, my supervisor has little direct knowledge of my research area). For the purposes of transparency, I let him know what I had done, and he flipped out. He said that I should have waited for feedback from my committee, and that I should be prepared to make significant revisions based on their comments.

It was not my intention to circumvent input from the committee, but I was tired of waiting months for small decisions to be made. Fortunately, two of the papers have been accepted in impact factor journals, the third is still under review.

How should I proceed? While I don't want to anger my supervisor/committee, at the end of the day, the only requirement from grad studies is that my papers be published and be related conceptually.

Any input/advice would be much appreciated.