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Same supervisor for a M.Sc. and a Ph.D?

Thank you all for your replies.

Yes, this is a funded project and I think I'm gonna go for it;-) The plan is that I will go to conferences, and even attend short courses in other universities.

Same supervisor for a M.Sc. and a Ph.D?

Thank you for your replies :-)

I really thought this was uncommon and that it would be frowned upon. But I guess that in the end it's maybe more important to show good thesis than to show that you've been to many different universities..

Same supervisor for a M.Sc. and a Ph.D?

I'm sorry, I seem to have managed to post this twice. Can you please reply to this thread and ignore the other one? I don't know how to erase a thread..

Same supervisor for a M.Sc. and a Ph.D?

I‘m wondering whether having the same supervisor for both the masters and doctoral level is in some way bad. I also went to the same university for a B.Sc. degree.

I‘m being offered this Ph.D. and I don‘t know whether or not I should take it. This supervisor is very good and there hasn‘t been any problems with our communications. This is the only „interesting“ university in my city, and for personal reasons, I don‘t want to move away. If I will not take this I will wait for a year or two before going for a Ph.D. in another university (not in my city).

So.. should I take this offer or is this a definite no-no?