Overview of carolemarek

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PhD at age 52

Hi Snowdrop,

Well done you! I think the fact that you are doing this just for you is the best reason in the world. I am sure that you will get so much more than purely your qualification from this experience.

yours in positivity

Fear of Public Speaking

======= Date Modified 03 May 2011 20:27:38 =======

First of all you are not alone. Public speaking is number one fear for most people [apparently]. The clue to finding solution to your challenge is in your words "I just can't imagine getting through it" - suggest start imagining it frequently; imagine you are doing this with confidence, flair, expertise, enjoyment... any other really positive emotion that you can think of.

Getting 'frozen brain' when presenting [or in interviews] is purely about your nerves causing shallow breathing, racing heart and then, when your poor brain does not get enough oxygen it... stops! So, just breeaathe... it may feel like an age to you but to your audience it will seem as if you are just pausing.

Before entering any situation that you are very nervous about, just take some nice slow deep breaths and say to yourself "I can do this" and repeat words often, often, often - promise you that this works!

Yours in positivity
