Overview of Carolynne

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Interview help!

confidence is a major issue, as is an idea of the questions. Need a list of possible questions!
I'll start: name a recent scientific paper you've read and explain why it was important to global conservation.
That question sunk me at my last interview! Anyone else have science or anthropology interview experience? My next one is a interdisciplinary phd...

Interview help!

I keep stuffing these up - 4 and counting. The fact I'm getting the interviews means my CVs there but my interview technique is rubbish. Any advice?

Here we go again - advice needed again

I was also asked to give a presentation - but they were a little kinder by giving me an outline:
Why I am suitable - what experience and academic training makes me able to complete the PhD
What is the importance of the research?

I'm doing conservation so it was field work and lab experience for the first bit and relevance of genetics in criminal investigations for anti-poaching for the second. I guess they want you to tell them what you know.

Who's doing the weirdest PhD?

Wow! Quite a few people who are soooooo politically correct that I'm bound to offend. A mate of mine's ex did a PhD on black in paintings - don't know which paintings but there you go. Black in paintings. I see a red door and I wonder why wasn't it painted black? Pretty sh*t though because he failed...

Mine research (not PhD) been summed up quite nicely as mice porn... Which I like. Minnie does the hedgerows. It's a working title.

Oh, to the guy who wrote the very rude google comment - I think we're here to help each other. Just a thought...