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I want to quit!

Hi everyone,

I have been doing a PhD for the last 9 months and in a nutshell I hate it. I can't stand my supervisor, my work, my collegues, the university... It has reached the point where I dread going in every day, when I sit down to work I can't find the motivation from anywhere, all I can think is that I don't want to be doing this. I hate the thought of quitting but if truth be told, I have simply chosen the wrong PhD, but regardless I still feel rubbish at the thought of leaving. The most stressful thing is the financial aspect, I have get paid quarterly and I have just received a quarter's pay in advance (so it is supposed to cover me for the next 3 months), what I need to know is what will happen if I quit tomorrow, will the research council write to me to ask for it back? ow will they work out how much I need to give back? The only thing stopping me leaving tomorrow is money and the need to pay my rent each month, it's so frustrating! I just don't know what to do, I know I can't stay here, it is leaving me so unhappy and knocking my confidence, I feel like a nervous reck, but with the current job climate I don't know if I can afford to stay.
If anyone can help and give me that boost to take the big step and leave I would be so grateful, I would just love some advice :(

Thank you