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Last minute no proposed supervisor - try find another in 3 days?! What about referees?

Hi, would really appreciate any replies to this. I finished my MA a few years ago and didn't realise quite how early people contacted supervisors, so I applied quite late. The supervisor I emailed with my proposal says she really likes it but can't support a funding application because she has already committed herself to writing support statements for earlier applicants. It's three days to the recommended deadline (2 weeks to the actual deadline) and the problem is that I've contacted my referees showing them my proposal and they've agreed to meet the deadline I was aiming for.

The proposed supervisor encouraged me to contact her again in the early Autumn to make an application next year but I would need my referees for that (and any other future applications) and want to annoy them as little as possible given the situation. I don't however want to apply and not apply for funding because I think it is silly not to try for it even if not successful.

It doesn't actually say on this particular department website or applications guidelines that you should contact a supervisor in advance, just to name your 'preferred choice' on the application. But clearly people have otherwise she wouldn't have so many students lined up.

Should I:
a) Email the potential supervisor who's said no to this year and ask her if she can recommend someone else I could name on the application, or even ask her if she advise submitting an application naming a suitable person without contacting them?

b) Email the referees who assume I've sorted a supervisor and say that she won't support a funding proposal so I'd like to apply next year instead and am really sorry if they've already started writing the reference.

c) Just submit an application naming someone so I don't annoy the referees, probably not be accepted and then approach preferred supervisor early next year.

I've found it a bit of a minefield going back into the academic application process, ten times more cryptic that job applications, and would really appreciate the advice of anyone who knows how this all works. Although the supervisor I contacted and my references have all been v nice about it.

Thanks v much in advance!