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Wedding same year as finish PhD

I got married in the middle of my PhD having got engaged about 18 months before. Fortunately a lot was done in over a long time period in dribs and drabs and I have to say it would be far too much of a distraction now - largely as we didn't get married where we live -involving many 300 mile round trips to North Wales, weekends, weeks here and there sorting stuff out. I'm writing up now and I wouldn't have the time to do it, or the disruption. Best leave it until after now would be my advice.

PhD vs. Relationships

I got married a year ago in the middle of my PhD despite initially thinking it would be a huge distraction and best left until afterwards. Not so, it was probably the ideal time. Now i'm writing up and I am rather grumpy at times and I often feel pressure to take time off just because my wife isn't working (shes a nurse and does shifts). But ultimately I warned her way in advance of this particular stage and how tough it would be on us both. Difficulty I find is switching off. But you make sure you make time and state it advance. Don't go back on your word once you've made plans.