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Masters in psychology after OU

Thanks, that helps.

Masters in psychology after OU

I am an academically very able student (3 As at A-level), and I was studying pharmacy at Nottingham University over a year ago but had to drop out due to mental health reasons (I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome). Ealier this year I started another degree in psychology with the Open University, which I am studying from home full time. I am thoroughly enjoying the subject I want to study a Masters. I am desparate to get into a traditional red-brick uni to do my Masters at (Nottingham for example) but am anxious as to how these universities will pereive degrees from the OU. Assuming I get a 2.1 (I'm aiming for a first but this will be touch and go), and taking my personal circumstances into account, how likely is it I will be accepted onto a masters course in psychological research methods at a decent uni (say top 20?)