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Revising the Literature Review

Thank you all for your good advice and support. I am familiar with the methodology behind qualitative research (coding, discussion of themes and emerging themes) but I guess having to look back and revise the literature review makes me feel like I am very very very far away from submission and feels like I am not doing any progress...I definitely do not feel the way I used to feel after completing the data collection...that was such a good feeling, a feeling of achievement...

Anyway, it is good to know that others have been through the same 'confusion' and I suppose I can only continue with what I am doing and hoping that everything will be OK in the end...such a draining process though...

To answer the last reply: my research is qualitative with use of in-depth interviews; for data analysis I use nVIVO .

Thanks again everybody :-)

Revising the Literature Review

Hi guys, I have just finalised my data collection and my supervisor has now asked me to revise the literature review so that I can be very clear about the theoretical framework and themes to be analysed within the data (note: my study is qualitative). My initial lit review was written three years ago and I agree that I have to look at the latest literature but I found now that I am very confused - I feel like I am starting a whole new PhD, revising and redefining my theoretical framework. Any advice on how to do this and still keep my sanity??? I feel like screaaaamingggg....:-(