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How much work to do before I start my PhD?

Thanks all!

It was an advertised post, so i haven't got to research a proposal or anything like that. At least now i can eat too much and watch bad telly over Christmas without feeling too guilty about not doing any work - just feel guilty about watching bad telly and eating too much!!:-)

How much work to do before I start my PhD?

Hey all,

I start my PhD in a Chemistry related area in January, I was wondering how much reading etc. I should do before I actually start it. I'm in my 30s and been away from education for a few years, so I've been looking at my old lecture notes from my undergraduate degree to remind me of the basics I might have forgotten. Should i start searching for papers to do with PhD or should i just enjoy Christmas and then get stuck in when it actually starts in January?

Any and all advice is appreciated!
