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MRes Help

I have full financial support for the MRes.

MRes Help

Hi All,

So I am finishing my undergrad in a month, my hope was to do a PhD but after many many applications and some positive outcomes (got placed on a reserve list for a Wellcome Trust program) I have not had success in securing a position. I have however, received an off from a PI in a Russell Group University to do a 1 year research degree (MRes). The lab group is small, high degree of quality publications in very good journals and the project is of interest to me.

The reason I am posting is to hear peoples thoughts on accepting this offer. I do intend to accept it come July but it would put my mind at rest to just accept it now and be done with it. Do you think at this stage of the year I should just accept the offer or hold out for longer?

I appreciate all input and if you've completed an MRes I'd love to hear your experience!