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Seriously thinking about quitting

I just want to point out that even if you do not want to continue in this line of wrok, a PhD is a great acheivement and will say a lot about your determination and hadr work to future employers in other lines of work... Think of the effect quitting woudl have especially so close to the end? What message to your send about yourself to future employer in any other field? A PhD is always tough, so do nto get discouraged so close to the finish line.
Best of luck.

Scholarships for New MA in Consumer Affairs - deadline 16/10

New MA in Consumer Affairs launching 21st October 2009 – Credit-crunch busting fees! Few places remaining.

The European Master in Consumer Affairs (EMCA) is launching this October and we have a few places remaining at Brunel for EU and home students. The fee is credit-crunch busting as thanks to funding from the European Commission (DG Sanco) students only pay 2000 Euros for three terms of study.

EMCA will examine consumer affairs from a cross-disciplinary, international perspective enabling students to respond to the needs of employers in the field. According to the European Commission there are strong employment prospects for graduates who have this specialist knowledge.

We start 21 October 2009. There is a possibility to study abroad for one term (with a mobility grant from the EU as well to do so). Students going abroad can obtain two degrees for the same course of study. One from Brunel and one from the partner institution (please ask for details).

There is little time to process your application so If you are interested, contact e [email protected] e immediately. We will ensure a quick response.

For more information online see:

Scholarships for New MA in Consumer Affairs - deadline 16/10

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