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Phd to MRes...with a part time MA?

I am 6months into a PhD and recently decided that I wanted to quit. I applied for a part-time Masters more closely related to what I want to do with my career and got a place on it. However, when I spoke to my supervisor they offered me an MRes if I continue for the next 6months. I am happy to do this as it means I get a rounded off piece of work and have a steady income for the next 6months. I think the workload of the 2 Masters courses will be manageable, but my worry is that it may not actually be allowed? Does anyone know if it is OK to be registered at 2 different universities for different Masters Degrees at the same time? I am due to start the part time masters in a couple of weeks, and it will be 2 years part time.

4 months in - thinking about quitting

Thanks for your response Hildagarde. I think you're right with the making sure I have something else lined up thing - I don't think I could afford to quit it for nothing right now!! I decided to go ahead and apply for the course, I can always turn it down if I decide I can't afford it. I have been looking into career development loans, and I think that is the only way I could do it. It will be a real annoyance to go from a paid PhD to having to pay for a Masters...but I am struggling to motivate myself to do anything to do with my PhD at the minute so I think I definitely need to make a change. I have mentioned it to some friends and family - and nobody has been overly shocked that I am considering it, apparently everyone knew I wasn't too happy!! I am going to take your advice and talk to the uni and company before I make any big decisions though. I will wait until I hear about the course and then sit down with them. Thanks for your wise words!!

4 months in - thinking about quitting

Hi. I started a phd in April, funded jointly by the university and a consumer goods organisation. The phd was organised after an internship with the company, and I was told that I would have input into what was involved. Having started the phd, it is not what I was expecting, and I can see that it is going to lead to knowledge in a very specific and quite abstract area. I want to work in business after the phd, not academia, and I just don't think that I will be getting the experience I need. I thought that by working with a large business I would naturally be learning business tools, but I guess I was a bit naive about how specific the phd would be. I have found a Masters that I am considering applying to do, part time so that I could fund it. It is much more relevant to the area that I would like to work in, and the course content really excites me. However, I am worried that I might be making a big mistake by jumping ship so early. I spent almost a year doing work placements, paid and often unpaid, between when I finished my internship and getting offered the phd, so I was over the moon when they got in touch with me. I feel a bit guilty about leaving them in the lurch. But part of me thinks it might be good for them too - as it will be quite easy for someone with a genuine interest in this area to catch up and take over, and probably do a hell of a better job of it than I will!!I also think I might be a bit of an idiot for throwing away a paid phd to start paying for a masters...I think if I get out now, I won't have lost out on too much. Obviously I wouldn't leave unless I had secured a place on the masters course. I just need to hear some other people's thoughts to help me feel a bit more at ease...Thanks!