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Multitasking with a PhD - advise needed

@ultimax & @timefortea, thank you very much for your posts. Unfortunately, I think you might be right, @Timefortea. I am currently following my schedule as described above and it is tough. My supervisor wants to see my proposal by mid June or latest by the end of June. I'm currently pressed for time and I suppose this is all I can do at the moment until I produce the proposal. I reckon when I am done with registration, I would have to relook into delegating tasks on the home front.

@Ultimax, I'm so gonna check out that link you sent :)

Thanks guys!

Multitasking with a PhD - advise needed

I'm new to this forum but seeing that all it's members are either PhD holders or potential candidates or existing candidates, I figured this would be the best place to seek advise. I'm currently in the first stage of registering for my PhD and working on my proposal. I'm finding it tough just juggling daily chores & work into my PhD study time.

I live with my husband & 2 to kid. I work full-time, look after my kid after work, manage house chores & by the time I am settled (when my kid sleeps) it is already 11pm at night. Study time starts then when I'm totally knackered.

Would like to know your thoughts on this and how you are coping. Really appreciate it.