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Dissertation Survey Exchange! Please fill out mine and I will fill out yours in return


If you have chance, could anyone please complete mine too? Starting to really struggle for participants! It should take no more than 20 minutes, and is investigating attitudes toward rape and domestic violence victim blaming.

Dissertation survey - I'll complete yours in return!! Attitudes towards rape and domestic violence

Sorry about that, I hadn't realised so thank you for pointing it out! Hope this link works


Dissertation survey - I'll complete yours in return!! Attitudes towards rape and domestic violence

Hi everyone!

I'm currently a student at the university of Huddersfield studying a masters degree in Investigative Psychology. I need a lot more participants for my dissertation study, so if you have some spare time please take part :)

My study is investigating attitudes towards rape and domestic violence myths based upon individual demographic characteristics and exposure to violent media. It should take around 15-20 minutes and I'd be so grateful!

I'm more than happy to take part in other surveys, and already have done a few on here, but feel free to contact me about any!

Thanks you in advance for any support!!


Post your surveys here!

Hi everyone!

I'm currently a student at the university of Huddersfield studying a masters degree in Investigative Psychology. I need a lot more participants for my dissertation study, so if you have some spare time please take part :)

My study is investigating attitudes towards rape and domestic violence myths based upon individual demographic characteristics and exposure to violent media. It should take around 15-20 minutes and I'd be so grateful!

I'm more than happy to take part in other surveys, and already have done a few on here, but feel free to contact me about any!

Thanks you in advance for any support!!
