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Article request!!!

Thank you for trying!! I'll try to mail the corresponding author!

Article request!!!

Hey! Can somebody please send me this article? My institution do not have a current subscription for this journal and I need it to finish the discussion of my paper...hehe!!

It calls "Efficacy of Antivenom Therapy for Neutralizing Circulating Venom Antigens in Patients Stung by Tityus Serrulatus Scorpions" by Rezende and collabs, 1994. Here's the link: http://www.ajtmh.org/content/52/3/277.full.pdf+html

Thank you sooooo much :)!!!

Paper request!

Again. thank youuuu =]!!!!!!!

Paper request!

Hello, I'm new here!

I really need this article but here in Brazil we only have access to the abstract.... Could anyone get it and send it for me, please?:) my mail is [email protected]

