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Thesis writeup - excel charts are driving me mad!

at the moment i copy and paste as a worksheet. that way i can resize the text to how i want it (not possible if you paste as a picture). the proceedure goes like this. format picture, resize, 7.0x7.5cm. open the worksheet, resize the text. close, see the text is different, open again, resize again. close, check size of picture, 7.9x7.7cm, resize picture, see text is changed again...sound familiar?
i think i'll have to give matlab a shot, will tinker a bit this weekend cause i havent used it yet. any other ideas?

Thesis writeup - excel charts are driving me mad!

hey there

i battled through my msc using excel to generate charts for word, but now i'm busy with my phd and its just too much! word keeps on resizing the charts, the text, arrgh! any ideas on good chart programs? please! my laptop will thank you for not getting thrown out the window.
