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Coming out as a PhD?

Hi everyone! :-)

Well....I'm currently a 24 yr old mid-3rd year PhD and hate it! Stress, no data, long hours, little rewards, slave-driving supervisor! But my thought is, stick it to the end and it will be over soon...But the reason I wanted to post here is I had a question. First I have to share something...I'm gay. I've kind of known this for many years, but only in the past year-ish have I finally come to accept it. I havent told anyone. Funny thing is, if anyone was to ask me (even my parents) I would have no problem admitting 'Yeah, I'm gay'. its not been a big issue but I wonder if my PhD would have gone better if I had come out earlier. I'm starting to write up soon and the stress is mega mega building, and Im wondering, if I was to come out, would it make things better or worse? One one hand, it would be a mega relief! But on the other, I dont know how parents and friends would react, and the last thing I want is more stress and worry! I'd kind of like to know how others would deal with this - to come out or not to come out, that is my question.

It'd be great to hear others opinions, or if anyone has been in a similar situation, . Normally, whenever I have a problem I think well, WWJBD (What Would Jack Bauer Do?), but unfortunately, 24 never had an LGBT storyline.....

All the best