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doing major corrections in 2 months?!

I have only just joined this site and am preparing for my viva and have noticed problems with my thesis. My supervisors agreed it was fine for me to submit but now I am not happy with it. Missing literature from review, not happy with structure of review and one of my other chapters is weak and I think needs more work.

I am very anxious and as you had major corrections I just wanted to ask abut your experience of the viva and what happened. I not really sure what to do other than pray they don't notice the issues I can see.

Pre PhD Viva anxiety

I have recently submitted my social science (Foucauldian) PhD and since rereading my thesis, in preparation for my viiva, I have identified problems in the thesis. The first problem is I have since noticed literature that I have not included in my review. The second problem is with one of my chapters. I have four analysis chapters, three of them are fine - I probably would tighten up in places, though overall I am happy with them. I have been told that this is quite normal to think like this. After rereading my final analysis chapter in preparation for my viva I am not happy with it. The analysis is weak in places and I think needs some more work. I probably need to rethink some of the points. The argument contained in this chapter, develops themes from the previous chapters - though my 'thesis' or original contribution is in my previous chapters. My thesis was read by both of my supervisors and they are happy with it. My first supervisor is experienced, although not in my topic - only my methdology and theory - and said it was ready to submit. Not much work was needed to get it from first to final draft. I was happy with this at the time, though after rereading parts of my thesis I wonder why they didnt notice this weakness in my final chapter. My first supervisor has been very critical of his other PhD student and he has needed to restructure most of his first draft, which makes me think is this just to do with my anxiety. It is only now that I am feeling more distant from the thesis or objective.

I have about six weeks to wait, though I am not sure what to do with these issues I have identified. My own thoughts are to read the literature I have left out and explain or I can at least demosntare I am aware of the literature. My externals, from what I know of them, are good externals to have. I am also going to continue preparing for the viva as in the same way as I was before I noticed these problems. I am in the process of getting part of a chapter published so I know that the thesis contains original ideas and parts are publishable. I have said to my supervisor and one other academic about my issue though they just said it will be fine and there is no such thing as a perfect PhD.

I am really struggling with this and keep wondering why I put myself through this. I am looking for suggestions on how best to deal with this problem. What can I do? Will this problem end in me failing the PhD or just major corrections. I am quite happy with major corrections because at least I can sort the problems out and still get my PhD.

Any experience or advice will be much appreciated.
(Foucauldian) PhD and since rereading my thesis, in preparation for my viiva, I
have identified problems in the thesis. The first problem is I have since
noticed literature that I have not included in my review. The second problem is
with one of my chapters. I have four analysis chapters, three of them are fine -
I probably would tighten up in places, though overall I a