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Doing a PhD part time?


I have just sent my application to the University of Queensland to undertake a PhD part time. I am really lucky that I have worked at CSIRO for 20 years and have worked myself into a position where at least half the work Iwill be doing is also what constitutes myPhD project. I have 3 good advisors, 1 from work, 1 from UQ and 1 external who is an expert in the field. It is still proving a little difficult to find the time to do the literature review which is not in the work project. Also luckily my kids are 10 and 14 so a bit more independent than some younger ones. I made it quite clear to my supervisors that I wasn't having fortnightly meetings. I'll email regular brief updates and we can call meetings as we need. We have all known each other for a number of years so again that is a plus in the communication stakes. I'm hoping to have the bench work done in 5 years with publications along the way which are required for work anyway and then somehow finalise the thesis in the last year. That should have me submitting when I'm 50 but before I'm 51. I'm quite excited by it all but it does seem like a very long road to travel.
